Coastal Farmhouse Command Center
Coastal Farmhouse Command Center
We aren’t quite ready to show off our entire mudroom refresh but wanted to share with your our coastal farmhouse command center!
We’ve been needing our mudroom to be refreshed for a while now and decided to begin with the “drop spot”, the command center area. Every family needs a command center of some sort, whether it’s large home office or a small plot of counter space in the kitchen. Our spot is in our mudroom and because of that it needs to be really organized. Otherwise, it’s just a mess and doesn’t function well. And a non functioning command center is kinda worthless, ya know?
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We knew we wanted this stand to be part of the mudroom refresh (I say refresh instead of remodel because we didn’t do much besides paint and move things around!). This was the first piece of furniture we built together way back in 2006! The cute shutters were left here by the previous homeowner and we were excited to use them on this piece. It’s been so many different colors, most recently a bright coral that I was over fairly quickly. It was pretty but too bright for our coastal farmhouse style. Now it’s gossamer blue (Benjamin Moore). I removed the coral top and added a stained piece of wood. I love the two tones!
Storage is essential in any mudroom, especially when it’s where you keep your family “stuff” like bills, notes for school, dinner menu, etc. We keep school/office supplies, files, and books inside the cabinet. These metal envelopes hold tons of previously mentioned stuff! They’re so cute too!
The chalkboard and magnetic board were part of our September Box (check out our subscription box here). I love combining textures and the wood softens up the metal from the envelopes nicely. Speaking of mixing textures, I had a wooden box in this space but swapped it out for a woven basket instead to add even more softness and texture. This basket is perfect for my sunglasses and planner (both of which I was continuously misplacing because they didn’t have a home) and also for our keys and any other smaller things we have in our hands when we come through that door.
I added a little window as a dry erase board as we are constantly writing notes to each other. Sometimes, they are reminders like “don’t forget to pick me up at robotics club tonight!” but usually they are cute love notes. My guys are such sweeties!
Pencils are a must to have at hand when the boys are heading out to school. These gentle reminders ones are fun and pretty. I thought they would get left alone but my guys don’t seem to care if they are using “girly” pencils.
We spend a lot of time at our neighborhood dock and it’s downright irritating when you can’t go because you can’t find the dang key! So now the dock key lives in this cute little whale dish.
Even though this is a utilitarian space, I still wanted it to be pretty so I added some seaglass looking bead garlands. I love these so much, I have several strands that I move about the house. They are so coastal and unexpected.
I’ll be back in a couple days to show you the rest of the mudroom including our cute coat area! Until then, we want to hear about your “drop spot” Is it a coastal farmhouse command center in the mudroom like ours? In the kitchen? Or do you have an entire home office?